K – 5 graders: Kids Club Camps

Camp is $300 per week.
Vermont child care subsidy accepted.

April Break Camp Information

We will be hosting a full day (9am – 3pm) camp week of Spring Break from Retreat Farm, Monday 4/14 through Friday 4/18. As the weather improves, Kids Club will discover the vernal changes in real time!

In case of questions, please contact, Shaliq Harvey, our Kids Club Director at shaliq@bgcbrattlebor.org or at Kids Club phone number: 802-689-0005. 

Summer Camp Information

Registration is OPEN !

Kids Club camp is a full day camp (9am – 3pm) at Hilltop Montessori School for children in grades rising 1-6 (must have completed Kindergarten in 2024-2025 school year). Each week will be a different theme. There is a maximum of 30 participants per week.

New this year! We are offering an extended aftercare program from 3pm-4pm or 3pm-5pm for an additional $10 per hour per day. Please note that aftercare registration must be on a weekly basis (not daily).

  • 7/7-7/11: Mountains, Rivers, & Forest – Join us as we explore Vermont ecology with eyes open to the beauty around us through nature-themed games. Possible field trips to local state parks.
  • 7/14-7/18: Loving Local Wildlife – Learn to appreciate the wonderful ecosystem and how every animal has an important role, even if we don’t see it happen.
  • 7/21-7/25: Growth & Flow (plants) – From pretty blooms and vibrant moss, to tall trees and sprouting seedlings, stop and spend time with the unique foliage of summer. Possible field trips.
  • 7/28-8/1: Awesome Adaptations Get ready to fly, climb, hide, seek, and frolic your way through nature like the incredible wildlife of the area living their best lives.
  • 8/4-8/8: At the Water’s Edge – There’s a whole new world colliding with another where the water meets the shore and all sorts of interesting natural wonders. Potential for pool visits.
  • 8/11-8/15: Intro to Sports & Outdoor Recreation – The best part about learning is what comes after- playing! In a deviation from natural sciences, we will build on the fundamentals of teamwork and culminate with group games.

Please make sure to create a Kids Club membership. You can then browse program registration, select from camp options, and then press the “finish” button to claim your camper’s spot.

In case of questions, please contact, Shaliq Harvey, our Kids Club Director at shaliq@bgcbrattleboro.org or at Kids Club phone number: 802-689-0005. 

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Use of school facilities does not imply endorsement or sponsorship of the event or individual, group or organization by Hilltop Montessori. Accordingly, any advertising or other communications publicizing the
event must be designed such that no suggestion of such endorsement or sponsorship may be implied. All publicity and public mention of Hilltop Montessori must be approved in advance of use by the Head of School, who shall require use of the following (or substantially similar) language:
“This event is sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro. The use of Hilltop Montessori School facilities for this event does not constitute an endorsement of the event or its sponsor(s) by the school.”